
아무 +(이)나/ 아무 +도 grammar = anyone, anything... /nobody, nothing...

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아무 +(이)나/ 아무 +도 grammar = anyone, anything... /nobody, nothing... - สวัสดีเพื่อน Yonsei korean, ในบทความที่คุณกำลังอ่านในครั้งนี้มีชื่อเรื่อง 아무 +(이)나/ 아무 +도 grammar = anyone, anything... /nobody, nothing..., เราได้เตรียมบทความนี้ไว้อย่างดีเพื่อให้คุณอ่านและนำข้อมูลไปใช้ หวังว่าเนื้อหาของโพสต์ บทความ Grammar Lv2, สิ่งที่เราเขียนคุณสามารถเข้าใจได้ เอาล่ะมีความสุขในการอ่าน.

หัวข้อ : 아무 +(이)나/ 아무 +도 grammar = anyone, anything... /nobody, nothing...
ลิงค์ : 아무 +(이)나/ 아무 +도 grammar = anyone, anything... /nobody, nothing...


아무 +(이)나/ 아무 +도 grammar = anyone, anything... /nobody, nothing...

L2.45 아무 +(이)나/ 아무 +도 grammar = anyone, anything... /nobody, nothing...

- 아무 +(이)나 = anything, anybody, anywhere, anytime... (often used in positive statements or interrogative expressions)
- 아무 +도 = nobody, nothing, nowhere, no time... (only used in negative expressions)

아무+(이)나 grammar: often used in positive statements or interrogative expressions
- 사람 : 아무나 = anyone, 아무한테나 = to anyone, 아무하고나 = with anyone
- 장소 : 아무데나/ 아무 곳이나 = anywhere / any place
- 물건 : 아무거나/ 아무것이나 = anything
- 시간 : 아무 때나 = anytime

아무+도 grammar: only used in negative expressions
- 사람: 아무도 = nobody / (not).... anybody, 아무한테도 = to nobody, 아무하고도 = with nobody
- 장소: 아무 데도, 아무 곳도 = nowhere, (not)...anywhere
- 물건: 아무 것도 = nothing, (not)...anything
- 시간: 아무 때도 = no time, (not)...anytime

1. 지하철 입구에 있는 신문을 봐도 돼요?
- 그럼요. 무료니까 보고 싶은 사람은 아무나 가져가도 돼요.
Can I take a look at the newspaper at the subway entrance?
- Sure. It is free so anyone who wants to read can take a copy.

2. 약속 시간 지났는데 아무도 안 왔어요?
- 네, 아무도 안 와서 저 혼자 기다리고 있었어요.
The appointment time has passed. Has nobody come yet?
- Nope, nobody came and I am waiting alone.

3. 이곳은 입장료만 내면 아무나 들어갈 수 있습니다.
Anyone can enter this place when he/she pays the admission fee.

4. 아무도 나를 알지 못하는 곳으로 가고 싶어요.
I want to go to a place where nobody knows me.

5. 아무거나 사고 싶은 책을 골라 봐.
Choose any book that you want to buy.

6. 그 파티에는 아무나 갈 수 있는 거지요?
Can anyone go to the party?

7. 휴가에 어디로 여행을 가고 싶어요?
- 조용한 곳이면 아무 데나 괜찮아요.
Where do you want to travel during vacation?
- As long as it is quiet, any place would be fine.

8. 언제 찾아뵈면 될까요?
- 오후에는 시간이 괜찮으니까 아무 때나 오세요.
When can I visit you?
- In the afternoon, you can come at anytime.

9. 무슨 색깔로 드릴까요?
- 다 예쁘니까 아무거나 주세요.
Which color will you take?
- Since they are all beautiful, anything would be ok.

10.가방 안에 뭐가 들어 있었어요?
- 아무것도 없었어요.
What did you put inside the bag?
- I put nothing inside.

11. 쓰레기는 아무 때나 버리지 말고. 잘 정리 해서 버려 주세요.
Don't throw away trash anytime. Please make sure to classify and throw it away in the bin.

12. 그 밖에 아무거나 저에게 물어보고 싶어요?
Do you want to ask me anything else?

13. 그 상자 아무데나 내려놔 주세요.
Please put the box down anywhere.

14. 전 아무데도 안 가요. 
I am not going anywhere.

15. 아무 것도 기억나지 않아요.
I don't remember anything.

นั่นคือบทความ 아무 +(이)나/ 아무 +도 grammar = anyone, anything... /nobody, nothing...

นั่นคือบทความทั้งหมด 아무 +(이)나/ 아무 +도 grammar = anyone, anything... /nobody, nothing... ครั้งนี้หวังว่าจะเป็นประโยชน์กับทุกท่าน เจอกันใหม่บทความหน้า.

คุณกำลังอ่านบทความ 아무 +(이)나/ 아무 +도 grammar = anyone, anything... /nobody, nothing... พร้อมที่อยู่ลิงค์ https://yonseikorean.blogspot.com/2020/05/grammar-anyone-anything-nobody-nothing.html
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