หัวข้อ : Past and Past Perfect Tense in Korean = A/V-았/었어요 and -았/었었어요.
ลิงค์ : Past and Past Perfect Tense in Korean = A/V-았/었어요 and -았/었었어요.
Past and Past Perfect Tense in Korean = A/V-았/었어요 and -았/었었어요.
L1.04 Past and Past Perfect Tense in Korean = A/V-았/었어요 and A/V-았/었었어요.
☆Past Tense = A/V-았/었어요.
- Express an action / event simply occurred in the past without providing the information of presence situation.
- Word end in vowelㅏ or ㅗ = A/V-았어요
- Word end in other vowel = A/V-었어요.
- N-하다 verb = 했어요.
Word conversion:
앉다 -- 앉았어요 = to sit
보다 -- 봤어요 = to see
만나다 -- 만났어요 = to meet
닫다 -- 닫았어요 = to close
닫다 -- 닫았어요 = to close
팔다 -- 팔았어요 = to sell
*모르다 -- 몰랐어요 = to don't know
*모르다 -- 몰랐어요 = to don't know
먹다 -- 먹었어요 = to eat
씻다 -- 씻었어요 = to wash (hand, face)
씻다 -- 씻었어요 = to wash (hand, face)
*쓰다 -- 썼어요 = to write
있다 -- 있었어요 = to have
있다 -- 있었어요 = to have
열다 -- 열었어요 = to open
*부르다 -- 불렀어요 = to call (name)
*부르다 -- 불렀어요 = to call (name)
공부하다 -- 공부했어요 = to study
청소하다 -- 청소했어요 = to clean
입학하다 -- 입학했어요 = to enter (school, university)
운동하다 -- 운동했어요 = to exercise
1. 어제 뭐 했어요? - 한국어를 공부했어요.
What did you do yesterday? - I studied Korean.
2. 주말에 뭐 했어요? - 운동했어요.
What did you do in the weekend? - I played sports.
3. 일요일에 친구를 만났어요? - 네, 만났어요.
Did you meet friends in Sunday? - Yes , I did.
4. 우리 딸이 2017년 07월 08일에 태어났어요.
Our daughter was born in 2017 Jul 08.
☆Past Perfect Tense = A/V-았/었었어요.
- Express a past event that no longer continues to the present = did/ had (in the past)
- Word end in vowelㅏ or ㅗ = A/V-았었어요
- Word end in other vowel = A/V-었었어요.
- N-하다 verb = 했었어요.
Word conversion:
살다 -- 살았었어요 = to live
가다 -- 갔었어요 = to go
사다 -- 샀었어요 = to buy
배우다 -- 배웠었어요 = to learn
배우다 -- 배웠었어요 = to learn
많다 -- 많았었어요 = to be much
싸다 -- 쌌었어요 = to be cheap
싸다 -- 쌌었어요 = to be cheap
읽다 -- 읽었었어요 = to read
*듣다 -- 들었었어요 = to listen
*듣다 -- 들었었어요 = to listen
먹다 -- 먹었었어요 = to eat
길다 = 길었었어요 = to be long
길다 = 길었었어요 = to be long
일하다 -- 일했었어요 = to work
친절하다 -- 친절했었어요 = to be kind
친절하다 -- 친절했었어요 = to be kind
1. 프랑스에 갔었어요.
I have been to France. (and have returned)
2. 일본에서 살았었어요.
I lived in Japan. (but not now)
3. 여름에는 바다에 사람이 많았었어요.
There were many people at the beach in the summer.
4. 한국에서 5년 동안 살았었어요.
I lived in Korea for 5 years. (but no longer now).
5. 안나 씨는 머리가 길었었어요.
Anna’s hairs was long. ( it’s short now)
นั่นคือบทความ Past and Past Perfect Tense in Korean = A/V-았/었어요 and -았/었었어요.
นั่นคือบทความทั้งหมด Past and Past Perfect Tense in Korean = A/V-았/었어요 and -았/었었어요. ครั้งนี้หวังว่าจะเป็นประโยชน์กับทุกท่าน เจอกันใหม่บทความหน้า.
คุณกำลังอ่านบทความ Past and Past Perfect Tense in Korean = A/V-았/었어요 and -았/었었어요. พร้อมที่อยู่ลิงค์ https://yonseikorean.blogspot.com/2019/09/past-and-past-perfect-tense-in-korean.html
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