
Lv3 U18 You can't even think of going home if you don't buy a ticket in advance.| V~(으)ㄹ 생각도 못 하다, 하도 V-아/어서, V-(으)ㄹ 까 말까 하다, N때만 되면 grammar

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Lv3 U18 You can't even think of going home if you don't buy a ticket in advance.| V~(으)ㄹ 생각도 못 하다, 하도 V-아/어서, V-(으)ㄹ 까 말까 하다, N때만 되면 grammar - สวัสดีเพื่อน Yonsei korean, ในบทความที่คุณกำลังอ่านในครั้งนี้มีชื่อเรื่อง Lv3 U18 You can't even think of going home if you don't buy a ticket in advance.| V~(으)ㄹ 생각도 못 하다, 하도 V-아/어서, V-(으)ㄹ 까 말까 하다, N때만 되면 grammar, เราได้เตรียมบทความนี้ไว้อย่างดีเพื่อให้คุณอ่านและนำข้อมูลไปใช้ หวังว่าเนื้อหาของโพสต์ บทความ K4T Level 3, สิ่งที่เราเขียนคุณสามารถเข้าใจได้ เอาล่ะมีความสุขในการอ่าน.

หัวข้อ : Lv3 U18 You can't even think of going home if you don't buy a ticket in advance.| V~(으)ㄹ 생각도 못 하다, 하도 V-아/어서, V-(으)ㄹ 까 말까 하다, N때만 되면 grammar
ลิงค์ : Lv3 U18 You can't even think of going home if you don't buy a ticket in advance.| V~(으)ㄹ 생각도 못 하다, 하도 V-아/어서, V-(으)ㄹ 까 말까 하다, N때만 되면 grammar


Lv3 U18 You can't even think of going home if you don't buy a ticket in advance.| V~(으)ㄹ 생각도 못 하다, 하도 V-아/어서, V-(으)ㄹ 까 말까 하다, N때만 되면 grammar


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18과 표를 사 놓지 않으면 고향에 갈 생각도 못 해요.

가... 지연 씨, 추석이 아직 한 달이나 남았는데 사람들이 벌써 기차표를 예매하나 봐요.
나... 지금 표를 사 놓지 않으면 고향에 내려갈 생각도 못 해요.
가... 지연 씨는 이번 추석 때 고향에 안 가요?
나... 글쎄요. 표 사기가 하도 힘들어서 올해는 갈까 말까 해요. 예매하려면 새벽부터 줄을 서서 기다려야 하거든요. 미리 표를 사 둘 걸 그랬어요.
가... 그렇게 많이 사람들이 고향을 찾아가나요?
나... 네, 그래서 추석이나 설 때만 되면 서울이 텅 비어요.
가... 그래요? 그럼 가게도 문을 많이 닫겠네요.
나... 그래서 추석 연휴 전에 필요한 것을 미리 사 둘 생각이에요.


* -(으)ㄹ 생각도 못 하다: can't even think of _____
* 추석: Korean Thanksgiving
* 예매하다: to purchase in advance
* 하도: so much, too much ____ that ____
* -(으)ㄹ 까 말까 하다: to do or not (hesitation) | vn: ngập ngừng
* 새벽: dawn, day break | vn: bình minh
* 줄(을) 서다: to line up | vn: xếp đội hình
* -(으)ㄹ 걸 (그랬다): had I known, I would have ___, I should have ___
* 텅 (비다): all empty, completely hollow | vn: trống rỗng
* 연휴: consecutive holidays
* 굶다: to starve, to skip a meal
* 떨리다: to be nervous, to tremble, to shake
* 예정: prearrangement, schedule
* 열리다 (음약회가): to be held (concert)
* 국제: international
* 영화제: movie festival
* 남기다: to leave (something), unused, to save some
* 와이셔츠: dress shirt
* 빨다: to wash (clothes), to do the laundry

Grammars and expressions

1. V~(으)ㄹ 생각도 못 하다 : can't even think of ____

집이 너무 비싸서 살 생각도 못 하겠어요.
The house is so expensive that I can't even think of buying it it in the future.

일이 많아서 여행 갈 생각도 못 합니다.
I am so busy that I can't even think of going travel.

요즘은 바빠서 여자 친구 만날 생각도 못 해요.
I can't even think of meeting my girl friend since I am so busy these days.

2. 하도 A/V-아/어서 : so much, too much ____ that ____

날씨가 하도 좋아서 공원에 갔다 왔어요.
The weather is so much good that I've just been to the park.

시험 점수가 하도 나빠서 창비해요.
I shame because my exam grade is too bad.

하도 생각을 해서 머리가 아파요.
I have a headache because of thinking too much.

어제 저녁을 하도 많이 먹어서 아침은 굶을 생각이에요
I ate too much last night, so I think of skipping my breakfast.

3. V-(으)ㄹ 까 말까 하다 : whether to do or not (hesitation)

하숙집을 옮길까 말까 해요.
I wonder to move to lodging house or not

일요일에 집들이를 할까 말까 합니다.
I am debating whether to have housewarming party on Sunday or not.

오늘 아침에 빨래를 할까 말까 했어요.
I was debating to do laundry in today morning or not.

* 다음 달에는 하숙집을 옮길까 해요.
In the next month, I am thinking of moving to lodging house.

* 밥 먹고 나서 빨래를 할까 해요.
I am thinking of having meal, and then doing laundry.

4. V-(으)ㄹ 걸 (그랬도) :  I would have  ____, I should have  ____

갑자기 손님이 올 줄 알았으면 미리 청소를 해 놓을 걸 그랬어요.
If I knew guests will come suddenly, I would have done cleaning in advance.

이렇게 재미없을 줄 알았으면 다른 영화를 볼 걸 그랬습니다
If I knew the movie is that boring, I would have watched another movie.

아까 그 김밥을 먹지 말 걸 (그랬어요).
I wouldn't have eaten that kimpap a while ago.

그 사람 사무실 전화번호를 알아 둘 걸.
I would have that person's office phone.

5. N때만 되면 : Whenever N happens, ___

시험 때만 되면 도서관에 자리가 없어요.
Whenever a test happens, library is completely full.

이사 때만 되면 전셋값이 올라요.
Whenever you move house, the renting fee increases.

V(으)ㄹ 때만 되면 : Every time V____

저는 시험 볼 때만 되면 떨려요.
I am nervous whenever taking the exam!

백화점에서 세일할 때만 되면 근처 길이 모두 먹혀요.
Every time department store is in sale, the surrounding streets get jammed.

6. V-(으)ㄹ 생각 [계획, 예정] 이다 : I am thinking of, I have scheduled to

그 양복은 세탁소에 맡길 생각이에요.
I am thinking of keeping my suit at laundering shop.

일요일엔 설악산에 갈 계획이에요.
I am planning to go to the Seollag mountain on Sunday.

주말에 부산에서 열리는 국제 영화제에 참석할 예정입나다
I am planning to attend the international movie festival opening in Busan this weekend.


Unit 18: If you don't bought a ticket in advance, you can't think of going hometown.

가...Jiyeon, Chuseok holiday is still one month left, but everyone seem to be already booked the train ticket.
나...If you haven't bought a ticket now, you can't thinking about going home.
가...Jiyeon, will you going home this Chuseok holiday?
나...I am not sure. It is hard to buy a ticket now, so I am thinking about go home or not this year. To buy a ticket, I need to wait in line from very early in the morning. I should buy it in advance.
가...Many people go home that much?
나...Yes, that is the reason why during Chuseok holiday, Seoul is empty.
가...Really? So many store will be closed then.
나...So that I am thinking about buy something I need before the long holiday.

18과 표를 사 놓지 않으면 고향에 갈 생각도 못 해요.

가... 지연 씨, 추석이 아직 한 달이나 남았는데 사람들이 벌써 기차표를 예매하나 봐요.
나... 지금 표를 사 놓지 않으면 고향에 내려갈 생각도 못 해요.
가... 지연 씨는 이번 추석 때 고향에 안 가요?
나... 글쎄요. 표 사기가 하도 힘들어서 올해는 갈까 말까 해요. 예매하려면 새벽부터 줄을 서서 기다려야 하거든요. 미리 표를 사 둘 걸 그랬어요.
가... 그렇게 많이 사람들이 고향을 찾아가나요?
나... 네, 그래서 추석이나 설 때만 되면 서울이 텅 비어요.
가... 그래요? 그럼 가게도 문을 많이 닫겠네요.
나... 그래서 추석 연휴 전에 필요한 것을 미리 사 둘 생각이에요.

นั่นคือบทความ Lv3 U18 You can't even think of going home if you don't buy a ticket in advance.| V~(으)ㄹ 생각도 못 하다, 하도 V-아/어서, V-(으)ㄹ 까 말까 하다, N때만 되면 grammar

นั่นคือบทความทั้งหมด Lv3 U18 You can't even think of going home if you don't buy a ticket in advance.| V~(으)ㄹ 생각도 못 하다, 하도 V-아/어서, V-(으)ㄹ 까 말까 하다, N때만 되면 grammar ครั้งนี้หวังว่าจะเป็นประโยชน์กับทุกท่าน เจอกันใหม่บทความหน้า.

คุณกำลังอ่านบทความ Lv3 U18 You can't even think of going home if you don't buy a ticket in advance.| V~(으)ㄹ 생각도 못 하다, 하도 V-아/어서, V-(으)ㄹ 까 말까 하다, N때만 되면 grammar พร้อมที่อยู่ลิงค์ https://yonseikorean.blogspot.com/2016/03/lv3-u18-you-can-even-think-of-going.html
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