หัวข้อ : Lv3 U17 What does your niece eat?| V-이/히/리/기/우 causative verbs, 아무거나 grammar
ลิงค์ : Lv3 U17 What does your niece eat?| V-이/히/리/기/우 causative verbs, 아무거나 grammar
Lv3 U17 What does your niece eat?| V-이/히/리/기/우 causative verbs, 아무거나 grammar
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17과 조카는 뭘 먹이죠?
가... 그거 새로 산 바지예요?
나... 네. 오는 처음 입었는데 어때요?
가... 편해 보여요. 그런데 조카는 어디 있지요?
나... 언니가 데리고 이리 오기로 했어요.
가... 점심은 어떻게 할까요?
나... 대공원 안에서 사 먹을까 해요.
가... 그럼 조카는 뭘 먹이죠?
나... 그 애는 아무거나 잘 먹으니까 김밥이나 국수를 사 주면 될 거예요.
가... 기다리는 동안 제가 음료수를 좀 사 올게요. 저 가게에 있을 테니까 언니가 오시면 제게 알려 주세요.
나... 그러면 그 가방은 저에게 맡기세요. <<Check back the KL2 U26 for the usage of V-기로 하다 grammar>>
<<Check back the KL2 U15 for the usage of V-(으)ㄹ 테니까 grammar>>
* 먹이다: to feed
* 새로: new
* 아무거나: anything
* 국수: noodle
* 이/히/리/기/우 : passive verb endings
* 울리다 (아이를): to make (a kid) cry
* 죽이다: to kill
* 웃기다: to make (someone) laugh
* 앉히다: to have someone sit down
* 읽히다 (책을): to have (someone) read
* 붙다: to stick, to attach
* 보이다: to show
* 입히다: to dress (someone)
* 눕히다: to lay (someone) down
* 맞다 (주사를): to get an injection || vn: tiêm
* 맞히다 (주사를): to have someone get an injection
* 돌리다: to turn, to dial
* 살리다: to save life, to rescue
* 놀리다: to let (someone) play
* 걸리다: to make (someone) walk
* 벗기다: undress (clothes)
* 신기다: to put on (someone's shoes for him)
* 감다(머리를): to wash (one's hair)
* 감기다(머리를): to wash (someone's hair)
* 씻기다: to have (someone) wash (hand, ...)
* 재우다 (이기를): to put (a baby) to sleep
* 태우다: to give (someone) a ride
* 씌우다: to put (hat) on (someone's head)
* 깨다 (유리를): to break (glass)
* 깨우다: to wake (someone) up
* 아무 데나: anywhere
* 아무 때나: anytime
* 환자: a patient
* 삼촌: uncle
* 열쇠: key
* 피동형: passive form (opp. 능동형) || vn: thể bị động
* 사동형: causative form (opp. 주동형) || vn: thể tự động
* 부탁하다: to ask one's favor
* 설거지: dish-washing
* 잠옷: pajamas
* 말리다: to dry (hair)
* 빗: comb
* 빗기다: to comb (someone's hair)
* 된장: soybean paste
* 주사: injection, shot
* 자장가: lullaby | vn: bài hát ru (con)
Grammars and expressions
List of causative verbs:
1. N-을/를 V-이/히/리/기/우 <= N이/가 V : to make/let/cause someone to do something
철수가 영희를 울려요. <= 영희가 울어요.
Cheolsu makes Yeonghee cry. <= Younghee cries.
고양이가 쥐를 죽였어요. <= 쥐가 죽었어요.
A cat killed a mouse. <= A mouse died.
내가 친구를 웃겼어요. <= 친구가 웃었어요.
I made my friend laugh. <= My friend laughed.
우리가 택시를 세웠어요. <= 택시가 섰어요.
우리가 택시를 세웠어요. <= 택시가 섰어요.
We stopped the taxi. <= The taxi was stopped.
*N에게 N을/를 이/히/리/기/우 <= N이/가 N을/를 V : someone to do something for/to someone.
Mother feeds milk for her baby. <= The baby drinks milk.
선생님께서 학생들에게 책을 읽혀요. <= 학생들이 책을 읽어요.
Teacher tell students read book. <= Students read book.
영희는 윌슨에게 그 일을 맡겼어요. <= 윌슨이 그 일을 맡았어요.
Younghee entrusted that work to Wilson <= Wilson took that work.
Follow the link to know how to distinguish causative and passive verbs.
Follow the link to know how to distinguish causative and passive verbs.
You use causative form when someone or something (Subject) "causes" one to do the action. (i.e. -게 하다). You use passive when there is no need for the Subject to actively cause another to do the action. (i.e. -아/어 지다)."More detailed explanation of causative verbs: usage & examples.
Bonus: Causative verb chart.
Suffix | Verb Base | Causative Verb | Example and Gloss |
이 | 먹다 | 먹이다 | 저는 8 시에 아기에게 우유를 먹여요. |
to eat | to feed | I feed my baby milk at eight o'clock. | |
보다 | 보이다 | 안내하는 직원에게 신분증을 보이세요. | |
to see | to show | Please show the attendant your ID. | |
죽다 | 죽이다 | 개미도 죽이지 마세요. | |
to die | to kill | Please don't kill even an ant. | |
속다 | 속이다 | 사람들을 언제나 속일 수 없어요. | |
to be cheated | to cheat, to fool | You can't fool the people all the time. | |
줄다 | 줄이다 | 바지를 줄여야 해요. | |
to shrink, to decrease | to shrink, to reduce | I have to shorten a pair of pants. | |
높다 | 높이다 | 저 건물을 더 높인대요? | |
to be high | to raise, to make tall | Are they going to make the building higher? | |
녹다 | 녹이다 | 눈을 녹여서 물을 썼어요. | |
to melt | to melt | I melted the snow to use as water. | |
히 | 읽다 | 읽히다 | 선생님께서 저에게 책을 읽히셨어요. |
to read | to make read | My teacher has me read the book. | |
앉다 | 앉히다 | 그 의자에 아기를 혼자 앉히지 마세요. | |
to sit down | to seat | Please don't let the baby sit on the chair alone. | |
입다 | 입히다 | 아침에 동생에게 코트를 입혀 줬어요. | |
to put on (clothes) | to dress, to put on (someone) | I put the coat on my little sister in the morning. | |
넓다 | 넓히다 | 이 길은 넓혀야 해요. | |
to be wide | to widen | This road has to be widened. | |
익다 | 익히다 | 야채는 너무 익히면 맛이 없어요. | |
to be cooked, to become ripe | to cook, to make done/ripe | Vegetables do not taste good when overcooked. | |
식다 | 식히다 | 너무 뜨거우면 식히세요. | |
to cool off | to cool it off | If it is too hot, please cool it off. | |
리 | 알다 | 알리다 | 도착시간을 알려 주세요. |
to know | to let be known | Please let me know the arrival time. | |
울다 | 울리다 | 그 영화가 사람들을 울렸어요. | |
to cry, to weep | to make (someone) cry | The movie made people weep. | |
살다 | 살리다 | 저 개가 어린이를 살렸어요. | |
to live | to make one live, to save | The dog saved a child. | |
돌다 | 돌리다 | 문을 열려면 핸들을 돌리세요. | |
to go around | to turn | To open the door, turn the handle. | |
늘다 | 늘리다 | 수출을 십퍼센트 늘렸다. | |
to increase | to increase | We increased exports by 10 percent. | |
기 | 웃다 | 웃기다 | 그 분은 사람들을 잘 웃겨요. |
to laugh | to make laugh | He makes people laugh a lot. | |
맡다 | 맡기다 | 누구에게 이 책임을 맡길까요? | |
to keep | to entrust, to check | To whom shall I give this responsibility? | |
벗다 | 벗기다 | 제가 아기 신발을 벗겼어요. | |
to take off | to undress, to strip | I took off the baby's shoes. | |
신다 | 신기다 | 아기 신발을 다시 신길까요? | |
to put on (shoes) | to put on (shoes) | Shall I put the shoes back on the baby? | |
숨다 | 숨기다 | 나는 너에게 숨기는 것이 없어. | |
to hide | to hide, to conceal | I have nothing to hide from you. | |
씻다 | 씻기다 | 도로가 비에 깨끗이 씻기었다. | |
to wash | to let wash | The road was washed clean by the rain. | |
빗다 | 빗기다 | 머리를 빗겨 줄까? | |
to comb | to comb | Shall I comb your hair? | |
우 | 자다 | 재우다 | 엄마가 아기를 재우고 있어요. |
to sleep | to put to bed | Mother is putting the baby to sleep. | |
깨다 | 깨우다 | 아침 7 시에 좀 깨워 주세요. | |
to be awake | to wake | Would you wake me up at 7:00 a.m.? | |
타다 | 태우다 | 엄마가 아이를 학교 버스에 태웠어요. | |
to get on, to ride | to load, to put on (a vehicle) | Mother put her child on the school bus. | |
서다 | 세우다 | 차를 기차역 앞에서 세워주세요. | |
to stand, to stop | to stop, to erect | Please stop the car in front of the train station. | |
비다 | 비우다 | 쓰레기통을 좀 비워 주시겠어요? | |
to be empty/vacant | to vacate, to empty | Would you empty the wastebasket? | |
구 | 돋다 | 돋구다 | 운동은 밥맛을 돋구어 준다. |
to rise, to sprout | to enhance | Exercise enhances one's appetite. | |
추 | 낮다 | 낮추다 | 음악을 낮추어 주시겠어요? |
to be low | to lower | Would you lower the volume of the music? | |
늦다 | 늦추다 | 한 달은 너무 짧으니 기간을 좀 늦춥시다. | |
to be late | to extend, to defer | One month is too short; let's extend it. | |
맞다 | 맞추다 | 몸에 맞추어 옷을 맡겼어요. | |
to fit, to be correct | to set, to match | I ordered a dress made to fit (my body). |
2. 아무N (이)나 : any __N__
우리 언니는 아무 옷이나 입어도 잘 어울려요.
My sister wears any clothes fitly.
여기서는 아무 버스나 다 서울역에 가요.
In here, any buses all go to Seoul station.
*아무거나 / 아무 데나 / 아무나 : anything/anywhere/anyone (only used in statements, not in suggestions or commands)
뭘 살까요?
- 아무거나 삽니다.
What will I buy?
- Buy anything.
물건을 아무 데나 두면 찾을 수가 없어요.
If you put thing anywhere, you can't find it.
누구를 데리고 올까요?
- 아무나 데리고 오세요.
Who will I bring with?
- Bring anyone.
Lesson 17. What does your niece eat?
가... Is that the new pant that you bought?
나... Yes. I wear it the 1st time today, so how is it?
가... It looks comfortable. By the way where is your niece?
나... My sister planned to bring her here.
가... How will we eat lunch?
나... We will buy something and eat inside the grand park.
가... So, what do you feed your niece?
나... Since she can eat anything, it will be alright to buy for her noodle soup or kimbap.
가... I will buy some drinks during the waiting time. It will have in that store (I will buy in that store), so please let me know when your sister comes.
나... Then, let me keep your bag.
17과 조카는 뭘 먹이죠?
가... 그거 새로 산 바지예요?
나... 네. 오는 처음 입었는데 어때요?
가... 편해 보여요. 그런데 조카는 어디 있지요?
나... 언니가 데리고 이리 오기로 했어요.
가... 점심은 어떻게 할까요?
나... 대공원 안에서 사 먹을까 해요.
가... 그럼 조카는 뭘 먹이죠?
나... 그 애는 아무거나 잘 먹으니까 김밥이나 국수를 사 주면 될 거예요.
가... 기다리는 동안 제가 음료수를 좀 사 올게요. 저 가게에 있을 테니까 언니가 오시면 제게 알려 주세요.
나... 그러면 그 가방은 저에게 맡기세요.
นั่นคือบทความ Lv3 U17 What does your niece eat?| V-이/히/리/기/우 causative verbs, 아무거나 grammar
นั่นคือบทความทั้งหมด Lv3 U17 What does your niece eat?| V-이/히/리/기/우 causative verbs, 아무거나 grammar ครั้งนี้หวังว่าจะเป็นประโยชน์กับทุกท่าน เจอกันใหม่บทความหน้า.
คุณกำลังอ่านบทความ Lv3 U17 What does your niece eat?| V-이/히/리/기/우 causative verbs, 아무거나 grammar พร้อมที่อยู่ลิงค์ https://yonseikorean.blogspot.com/2016/03/lv3-u17-what-does-your-niece-eat-v.html
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