
Lv2 U30 I feel a little embarrased when something like this happens.| V-(으)ㄹ 때, indirect speaking V-ㄴ/는다고, 다 되다 grammar

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Lv2 U30 I feel a little embarrased when something like this happens.| V-(으)ㄹ 때, indirect speaking V-ㄴ/는다고, 다 되다 grammar - สวัสดีเพื่อน Yonsei korean, ในบทความที่คุณกำลังอ่านในครั้งนี้มีชื่อเรื่อง Lv2 U30 I feel a little embarrased when something like this happens.| V-(으)ㄹ 때, indirect speaking V-ㄴ/는다고, 다 되다 grammar, เราได้เตรียมบทความนี้ไว้อย่างดีเพื่อให้คุณอ่านและนำข้อมูลไปใช้ หวังว่าเนื้อหาของโพสต์ บทความ K4T Level 2, สิ่งที่เราเขียนคุณสามารถเข้าใจได้ เอาล่ะมีความสุขในการอ่าน.

หัวข้อ : Lv2 U30 I feel a little embarrased when something like this happens.| V-(으)ㄹ 때, indirect speaking V-ㄴ/는다고, 다 되다 grammar
ลิงค์ : Lv2 U30 I feel a little embarrased when something like this happens.| V-(으)ㄹ 때, indirect speaking V-ㄴ/는다고, 다 되다 grammar


Lv2 U30 I feel a little embarrased when something like this happens.| V-(으)ㄹ 때, indirect speaking V-ㄴ/는다고, 다 되다 grammar


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30과: 이럴 때 나는 좀 창피하다

시간는 빨리 지나간다. 한국에 온 지 벌써 2 학기가 다 되었다. 학교 생활에 조금 익숙해졌다. 친구들과 놀 때는 즐겁다.

그러나 내가 하고 싶은 말을 표현 못 할 때는 아주 괴롭다. 오늘도 내가 늦게까지 주무셨다고 하니까 친구들이 크게 웃었다. 이럴 때 나는 좀 창피하다.


왔다 가다 = to have come to (place)
지나가다 = to pass by
익숙하다 = familiar
표현(하다) = expression; to express
괴롭다 = distressed, in pain, troubled
웃다 = to laugh
이럴 = (to be) like this
때 = when, time
창피하다 = ashamed, embarrassed (in a negative way)
그럴 = (to be) like that
저럴 = (to be) like it
지나다 = to pass (time)
외롭다 = lonely
젓가락 = chopsticks
대회 = contest
참가(하다) = participation; to participate
넓다 = wide
상금 = prize
라디오 = radio
방송 = broadcast
전하다 = to transmit, convey, deliver (message, thing, etc.)
방송국 = broadcasting station
좁다 = narrow
부끄럽다 = embarrassed (in a funny way)
낯설다 = unfamiliar

Grammars and expression:

1. A/V-(으)ㄹ 때 = A/V when

날씨가 따뜻할 때에는 기분이 좋아요.
I feel good when the weather is warm.

시간이 있을 때 이 책을 읽어 봐요.
When you have time, try reading this book.

바쁘지 않을 때 전화해요.
When you aren't busy, call me then.

한국에 갈 때 김치 먹어야 돼 요.
When you go to Korea, you have to eat kimchi.

*이럴/ 그럴/ 저럴 때 : when something like this happens.

비행기를 놓쳤어요. 이럴 때 어떻게 해야 합나까?
I missed my plane. What should I do when something like this happens?

*N 때 : N time

점심 때 만납시다.
Let's meet at lunch time.

2. V-ㄴ/는다고 하다/말하다/듣다 = to say/ to hear S.

여름에 사람들은 바다로 간다고 들었어요.
I heard that people go to the beach in summer.

친구들이 마리아는 예쁘다고 해요.
My friends say that Maria is pretty.

선생님은 학생들이 늦게 도착했다고 말했다.
The teacher said that the students arrived late.

나는 그가 공원에 가겠다고 말했다
I said that he will go to the park.

*A-다고 하다/말하다/듣다 : to say/ to hear S

학생들은 시험이 어렵다고 말해요.
Students say that the test is difficult.

*N(이)라고 하다 : to say that it be N

이 꽃은 한국말로 뭐라고 해요?
- 장미라고 해요.
What do you call this flower in Korean?
- It's called 'jangmi'.

3. N이/가 지나가다/지나다 = N pass

벌써 방학이 다 지나갔어요.
 The vacation has already gone by.

1년이 지났는데 이직 힘들어요.
It' still difficult although a year has passed.

4. N이/가 다 되다 = to become almost N

벌써 일 년이 다 되었어요.
It has already been almost 1 year.

시간이 다 됐는데 여기서 끝냅니다.
It's almost time, so let's finish here.

시간이 지나면 잘할 수 있어요.
I can do better with the passage of time.

5. N에 익숙해지다 = to become accustomed to N

한국 생활에 익숙해졌어요?
Have you become familiar to life in Korea?

벌써 학교 생활에 익숙해졌어요.
I have already become familiar to school life.

6. N이/가 다 되다 = to become almost N

벌써 1년이 다 되었오요.
It has almost been a year.

시간이 다 됐는데 여기서 끝냅시다.
It's almost time, so let's finish here.


Unit 30. I feel a little embarrased when something like this happens.

Time passes quickly. It has been almost 2 semesters sonce I came to Korea. I have become a bit accustomed to school life. I'm happy when I am hanging out with friends.

But I get very depressed when I cant express what I want to say. Even today, my friends laughed out when I said I slept late using honorific form. I feel a little embrarrased when something like this happens.

30과: 이럴 때 나는 좀 창피하다

시간는 빨리 지나간다. 한국에 온 지 벌써 2 학기가 다 되었다. 학교 생활에 조금 익숙해졌다. 친구들과 놀 때는 즐겁다.

그러나 내가 하고 싶은 말을 표현 못 할 때는 아주 괴롭다. 오늘도 내가 늦게까지 주무셨다고 하니까 친구들이 크게 웃었다. 이럴 때 나는 좀 창피하다.

นั่นคือบทความ Lv2 U30 I feel a little embarrased when something like this happens.| V-(으)ㄹ 때, indirect speaking V-ㄴ/는다고, 다 되다 grammar

นั่นคือบทความทั้งหมด Lv2 U30 I feel a little embarrased when something like this happens.| V-(으)ㄹ 때, indirect speaking V-ㄴ/는다고, 다 되다 grammar ครั้งนี้หวังว่าจะเป็นประโยชน์กับทุกท่าน เจอกันใหม่บทความหน้า.

คุณกำลังอ่านบทความ Lv2 U30 I feel a little embarrased when something like this happens.| V-(으)ㄹ 때, indirect speaking V-ㄴ/는다고, 다 되다 grammar พร้อมที่อยู่ลิงค์ https://yonseikorean.blogspot.com/2015/12/lv2-u30-i-feel-little-embarrased-when.html
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