
Lv2 U13 Wasn't it difficult to find my house?| V-기(가), N(이)라서, V-아도/어도 되다, 별로 V-지 않다 grammar

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Lv2 U13 Wasn't it difficult to find my house?| V-기(가), N(이)라서, V-아도/어도 되다, 별로 V-지 않다 grammar - สวัสดีเพื่อน Yonsei korean, ในบทความที่คุณกำลังอ่านในครั้งนี้มีชื่อเรื่อง Lv2 U13 Wasn't it difficult to find my house?| V-기(가), N(이)라서, V-아도/어도 되다, 별로 V-지 않다 grammar, เราได้เตรียมบทความนี้ไว้อย่างดีเพื่อให้คุณอ่านและนำข้อมูลไปใช้ หวังว่าเนื้อหาของโพสต์ บทความ K4T Level 2, สิ่งที่เราเขียนคุณสามารถเข้าใจได้ เอาล่ะมีความสุขในการอ่าน.

หัวข้อ : Lv2 U13 Wasn't it difficult to find my house?| V-기(가), N(이)라서, V-아도/어도 되다, 별로 V-지 않다 grammar
ลิงค์ : Lv2 U13 Wasn't it difficult to find my house?| V-기(가), N(이)라서, V-아도/어도 되다, 별로 V-지 않다 grammar


Lv2 U13 Wasn't it difficult to find my house?| V-기(가), N(이)라서, V-아도/어도 되다, 별로 V-지 않다 grammar


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13과 집 찾기 어려웠지요?

가... 어서 들어와요. 집 찾기 어려왔지요?
나... 아니에요. 아파트라서 쉽게 찾았어요. 꽂을 좀 사 왔는데요.
가... 참 예쁘군요. 식탁 위에 놓으면 좋겠어요.
다... 그냥 와도 괜찮은데... 고마워요.
나... 배가 고프지요? 먼저 저녁부터 들까요?

나... 음식이 너무 맵지 않았어요?
가... 별로 맵지 않았어요. 맛있게 먹었어요.
다... 좀 더 들어요.
가... 배가 불어서 더 못 먹겠어요.


찾다 = to find, search, look for
교수 = professor
들어오다 = to come in, to enter
아파트 = apartment
사모님 = Madam (honorific)
식탁 = dining table
놓다 = to put on, place on
그냥 = just + V
먼저 = first
별로 = (not) especially, particularly (used in negative sentences)
배부르다 = full, stuffed
복사기 = photocopier
하숙집 = boarding house
글 = text
문장 = sentence

Grammars and expressions:

1. V-기(가) A = [verb +기 = noun]

지하철 타기 불편합니다.
It is inconvenient to take the subway.

읽기가 쉬워요.
It is easy to read.

한국말 발음하기가 어럽지요?
Is it difficult to pronouce Korean?

2. N(이)라서 = because it is N

처음이라서 잘 몰라요.
I don't know exactly because it is my first time.

방학이라서 학교에 학생들이 없군요.
There are no students at school because it is vacation.

3. V-아도/어도 괜찮다/되다 = it is all right to V

지급 가도 되요/괜찮아요?
- 네, 가도 돼요
May I go now?
- Yes you may.

여기에 담배를 피위도 되요?
- 네, 피워도 되요.
- 아니요, 안 되요.
May I smoke here?
- Yes, you can.
- No, you can't.

4. 별로 A/V-지 않다 or 별로 안 A/V = not really A/V

발음이 별로 좋지 않아요.
My pronunciation is not really good.

별로 맵지 않아서 많이 먹었어요.
I ate a lot because it wasn't so spicy.

5. N1을/를 N2에 놓다 = put N1 on/in/at N2

가방을 여기에 놓으세요.
Please put your bag here.

식탁 위에 그릇을 놓았어요.
I placed the dish on the table.

6. 그냥 V = just V

머리가 아파서 그냥 집으로 왔어요.
I just came home because I had a headache.

선물을 사지 말고 그냥 오세요.
Please just come with buying gift.

7.  N보다 먼저 V = V before N

선생님께서 학생들보다 먼저 오셨어요
The teacher came before the students.

*나는 나중에 가겠어요.
I will go later.

8. 배가 부르다 = to be full

많이 먹어서 배가 불러요.
I am full because I ate a lot.

배부르면 먹지 마세요.
Don't eat if you're full.


Unit 13: Wasn't it difficult to find my house?

A... Please come in. Wasnt it difficult to find my house?
B... No, I found it easily because it is an apartment. I bought you some flowers.
C... They are so beautiful. They will look nice if I put them on the table.
B... "Just come" is ok... thank you.
C... You must be hungry. Shall we eat dinner first?
C... Wasnt the food too spicy?
A... Not really spicy. It was delicious.
B... Please have some more.
A... Thank you, but I am so full that I cant eat any more.

13과 집 찾기 어려웠지요?

가... 어서 들어와요. 집 찾기 어려왔지요?
나... 아니에요. 아파트라서 쉽게 찾았어요. 꽂을 좀 사 왔는데요.
가... 참 예쁘군요. 식탁 위에 놓으면 좋겠어요.
다... 그냥 와도 괜찮은데... 고마워요.
나... 배가 고프지요? 먼저 저녁부터 들까요?

나... 음식이 너무 맵지 않았어요?
가... 별로 맵지 않았어요. 맛있게 먹었어요.
다... 좀 더 들어요.
가... 배가 불어서 더 못 먹겠어요.

นั่นคือบทความ Lv2 U13 Wasn't it difficult to find my house?| V-기(가), N(이)라서, V-아도/어도 되다, 별로 V-지 않다 grammar

นั่นคือบทความทั้งหมด Lv2 U13 Wasn't it difficult to find my house?| V-기(가), N(이)라서, V-아도/어도 되다, 별로 V-지 않다 grammar ครั้งนี้หวังว่าจะเป็นประโยชน์กับทุกท่าน เจอกันใหม่บทความหน้า.

คุณกำลังอ่านบทความ Lv2 U13 Wasn't it difficult to find my house?| V-기(가), N(이)라서, V-아도/어도 되다, 별로 V-지 않다 grammar พร้อมที่อยู่ลิงค์ https://yonseikorean.blogspot.com/2015/12/lv2-u13-wasn-it-difficult-to-find-my.html
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