หัวข้อ : L2G22 V-아/어야지요 grammar = will do, have to do... ~express strong intention like a promise to oneself or decision to do thing
ลิงค์ : L2G22 V-아/어야지요 grammar = will do, have to do... ~express strong intention like a promise to oneself or decision to do thing
L2G22 V-아/어야지요 grammar = will do, have to do... ~express strong intention like a promise to oneself or decision to do thing
L2G22 V-아/어야지요 grammar = will do, have to do... ~express strong intention like a promise to oneself or decision to do thing
- Express speaker’s strong intention like a promise to oneself or a decision to do something.
- If speaking or thinking to oneself, informal form is used -아/어야지.- Express speaker’s strong intention like a promise to oneself or a decision to do something.
- Or scold someone for not doing something they should have. (-았/었어야지 is used)
- The shortened form -아/어야죠.
- 긍정: V-아/어야지요. (positive form)
- 부정: V-지 말아야지요. (negative form)
- 긍정: V-아/어야지요. (positive form)
- 부정: V-지 말아야지요. (negative form)
1. 고향 음식이 너무 먹고 싶다. 다음 방학에 가서 엄마가 해 주신 음식을 실컷 먹어야지.
I really miss my hometown foods. I will visit my hometown in the next vacation and stuff myself with mom’s cooking.
2. 작년에 교통 신호를 어겨서 벌금을 많이 냈지요?
- - 네, 올해부터는 교통신호를 잘 지켜야지요.
Last year you ran a traffic light and paid a big fine, right?
- - Yes, from this year I have got to obey traffic signals.
3. 그 영화가 너무 재미있다고 했어. 나도 봐야지.
I heard that the movie is very interesting. I 야ill have to see it, too.
4. 이렇게 자꾸 지각하면 큰일이야. 내일부터 절대 회사에 지각하지 말아야지.
I will be in a big trouble if I am often late like this. Starting from tomorrow, I won’t be late anymore.
5. 세미나가 꼭 가야돼?
- - 그럼요. 우리 선생님이 발표를 하시니까 꼭 가야지요.
Do we have to attend the seminar?
- - Of course, our teacher is giving a presentation, so we have to go.
6. 한국어로 내 의견을 잘 표현하고 싶어. 올해는 꼭 TOPIK 6급 시험에 합격하야지.
I really want to express my opinion well in Korean. This year I must pass the level 6 TOPIK exam.
7. 요즘 배가 많이 나왔네. 올해는 꼭 뱃살을 빼야지.
My belly became much bigger. This year I must reduce my belly weight.
8. 일이 잘 될 것 같지 않은데 시작했으니까 꼭 끝까지 해 봐야지.
The work is not going well, but I have started it, so I must do it until the end.
9. 나중에 새 공포 영화를 보지 말아야지.
Later, I won't watch horror movies anymore.
10. 몸이 안 좋으면 무리하지 말고 쉬었야지요.
If you weren’t feeling well, you should have rested instead of pushing yourself too hard.
นั่นคือบทความ L2G22 V-아/어야지요 grammar = will do, have to do... ~express strong intention like a promise to oneself or decision to do thing
นั่นคือบทความทั้งหมด L2G22 V-아/어야지요 grammar = will do, have to do... ~express strong intention like a promise to oneself or decision to do thing ครั้งนี้หวังว่าจะเป็นประโยชน์กับทุกท่าน เจอกันใหม่บทความหน้า.
คุณกำลังอ่านบทความ L2G22 V-아/어야지요 grammar = will do, have to do... ~express strong intention like a promise to oneself or decision to do thing พร้อมที่อยู่ลิงค์ https://yonseikorean.blogspot.com/2017/03/l2g22-v-grammar-will-do-have-to-do.html
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