
Lv3 U02 Is it true that you received up to 2 awards | A/V-다지요?, V-느라(고) grammar

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Lv3 U02 Is it true that you received up to 2 awards | A/V-다지요?, V-느라(고) grammar - สวัสดีเพื่อน Yonsei korean, ในบทความที่คุณกำลังอ่านในครั้งนี้มีชื่อเรื่อง Lv3 U02 Is it true that you received up to 2 awards | A/V-다지요?, V-느라(고) grammar, เราได้เตรียมบทความนี้ไว้อย่างดีเพื่อให้คุณอ่านและนำข้อมูลไปใช้ หวังว่าเนื้อหาของโพสต์ บทความ K4T Level 3, สิ่งที่เราเขียนคุณสามารถเข้าใจได้ เอาล่ะมีความสุขในการอ่าน.

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Lv3 U02 Is it true that you received up to 2 awards | A/V-다지요?, V-느라(고) grammar


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2 과  상을 두 개나 받았다지요?

가... 바바라 씨, 지난 번 수료식에서 상을 두 개나 받았다지요? 축하해요.
나... 고마워요. 런데 마이클 씨는 왜 수료식에 안 왔어요?
가... 시험이 끝나고 바로 고향에 가느라고 참속에 못했어요.
나... 그랬군요. 저는 마이클 씨가 올 줄 알았어요.
가... 나도 꼭 참속하려고 했었는데, 사정이 있어서 집에 갔다 왔어요.
나... 수료식 끝나고 친구들이 우리 집에 모여서 늦게까지 놀었어요.
가... 그랬군요. 늦었지만 축하하는 뜻으로 오늘 저녁을 살게요.
나... 정말요? 고마와요. 어디서 만날까요?
가... 저녁 6시에 학교 정문에서 만나요.


상= award, prize
-다지요? = I heard that ~, is it right?
수료식= ending course ceremony
-느라고= because of, due to....
꼭= certainly, firmly
참석 (하다) = attendance, presence (to participate, attende a meeting)
모이다= gather, get together
타다 (상을)= to win a prize
우등상= honorary award
개근상= perfect attendance award, non-absence
월급= monthly salary
이상= more than
동남아= Southeast Asia
이사 (하다)= to move to (house)
곧= soon
어젯밤= last night
졸업 (하다)= graduation (to graduate)
수고 (하다)= labor, efforts, to work hard
졸업식= graduation ceremony
결혼식= wedding party
회의= meeting, conference
철학= philosophy
대화= conversation
초급= first/beginning class
수업료= tuition, school fee
경치= scenery

Grammars and expressions:

1. 상(을) 받다 [타다] : to receive a prize

바바라는 공부를 잘해서 우등상을 받았어요.
Babara received excellent award because she studied well.

나는 한 번도 결석을 안 해서 개근상을 탔어요.
 I received perfect attendance award since I was not even absent once.

* 월급(을) 받다[타다] : to receive salary

지난 주에 월급을 탔는데 벌써 다 써 버렸어요
I received salary last week, but I spent all.

2. A/V-다지요 : is it true?/ I heard that --------, right?
A + 다지요
V + (ㄴ)다지요
았/었/했 + 다지요
Answer: - 네, (그렇)다고 해요.

3급 이상만 한자반을 신청할 수 있다지요?
- 네, 그렇다고 해요.
 Is it true that only above level 3 can apply for Chinese character class?
- Yes, that's right.

다음 달 부터 전기요금이 오른다지요?
I heard that electricity cost will rise from next month, right?

 설악산에 눈이 많이 왔다지요?
I heard that snow fell heavily in Mt. Seorag, right?

See this WIKI page for more examples

* N (이)라지요? : It's _______, right? (verifying what you heard)
Answer: - 네, 맞아요.

수업이 9시부터 시작이라지요?
- 네, 맞아요.
The class starts from 9 o'clock, right?
- Yes, it is.

토니 생일이 내일이라지요?
Tony birthday is tomorrow, right?

한국에서 제일 높은 산이 한라산이라지요?
The highest mountain in Korea is Mt. Halla, right?

3. V-느라(고) ___(못 V)___ : Because I am/was ________, I couldn't _____

왜 지갑를 잊어 버렸어요?
- 급히 오느라고 깜빡 잊어 버렸어요.
Why did you forget your wallet?
- Because I was quickly coming, I completely forgot

옷을 많이 사느라고 돈을 다 썼어요.
Since I bought lots of clothes, I spent all my money

텔레비전을 보느라고 초인종을 못 들었어요.
Because I was watching TV, I didn’t hear the doorbell

왜 늦었어요?
- 친구 만나느라고 늦었어요.
Why were you late?
- Because I met my friend, I was late.

4. N에 참석하다 : to attend at ______.

동생 졸업식에 참석하느라고 회사에 늦게 갔어요.
 Since I attended the graduation ceremony of my brother, I went to the company late.

친구 결혼식에 참석하느라고 지연 씨 생일 파티에 못 갔다.
Because I attended the wedding ceremony of my friend, I couldn't go to the Jiyeon's birthday party.

5. N을/를 축하하는 뜻으로 : To congratulate you on ______

졸업을 축하하는 뜻으로 내가 저녁을 살게요.
 To congratulate you on graduation I will buy you dinner.

입학을 축하하는 뜻으로 동생에게 가방을 사 주려고 합니다.
To celebrate the entrance I buy a backpack for my brother.

* V- (으)ㄴ/는 것을 축하 [사과,감사] 하는 뜻으로 : In order to congratulate/apologize/thank you for ________, 

우등상 받은 것을 축하하는 뜻으로 한잔 합시다.
To congratulate you for receiving the excellent award let's go for a drink.

늦게 온 것을 사과하는 뜻으로 차 한잔 살게요.
To apologize for coming late I will buy you a cup of tea.


Lesson 2: Is it true that you received up to 2 awards?

가... Babara, Is it true that you received up to 2 awards at the last ending course ceremony. Congratulation.
나... Thank you. But why didn't you attend the ceremony, Michael?
가... Since I went to my home country immediately after finishing the test, I couldn't attend it.
나... Really. I thought that you will come.
가... I also planned to attend, but because of personal reasons I went back home.
나... After finishing the ending course ceremony, everyone gathered in my house and played lately.
가... Really. It's late but to congratulate you I will buy you dinner today.
나... Really? Thank you. Where will we meet?
가... We will meet at the university main gate at 6 pm.

2 과  상을 두 개나 받았다지요?

가... 바바라 씨, 지난 번 수료식에서 상을 두 개나 받았다지요? 축하해요.
나... 고마워요. 그런데 마이클 씨는 왜 수료식에 안 왔어요?
가... 시험이 끝나고 바로 고향에 가느라고 참속에 못했어요.
나... 그랬군요. 저는 마이클 씨가 올 줄 알았어요.
가... 나도 꼭 참속하려고 했었는데, 사정이 있어서 집에 갔다 왔어요.
나... 수료식 끝나고 친구들이 우리 집에 모여서 늦게까지 놀었어요.
가... 그랬군요. 늦었지만 축하하는 뜻으로 오늘 저녁을 살게요.
나... 정말요? 고마와요. 어디서 만날까요?
가... 저녁 6시에 학교 정문에서 만나요.

นั่นคือบทความ Lv3 U02 Is it true that you received up to 2 awards | A/V-다지요?, V-느라(고) grammar

นั่นคือบทความทั้งหมด Lv3 U02 Is it true that you received up to 2 awards | A/V-다지요?, V-느라(고) grammar ครั้งนี้หวังว่าจะเป็นประโยชน์กับทุกท่าน เจอกันใหม่บทความหน้า.

คุณกำลังอ่านบทความ Lv3 U02 Is it true that you received up to 2 awards | A/V-다지요?, V-느라(고) grammar พร้อมที่อยู่ลิงค์ https://yonseikorean.blogspot.com/2016/01/lv3-u02-is-it-true-that-you-received-up.html
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