
Lv3 U12 It's coming a public announcement.| V-은 후에, V-기 바라다, V-자마자 grammar

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Lv3 U12 It's coming a public announcement.| V-은 후에, V-기 바라다, V-자마자 grammar - สวัสดีเพื่อน Yonsei korean, ในบทความที่คุณกำลังอ่านในครั้งนี้มีชื่อเรื่อง Lv3 U12 It's coming a public announcement.| V-은 후에, V-기 바라다, V-자마자 grammar , เราได้เตรียมบทความนี้ไว้อย่างดีเพื่อให้คุณอ่านและนำข้อมูลไปใช้ หวังว่าเนื้อหาของโพสต์ บทความ K4T Level 3, สิ่งที่เราเขียนคุณสามารถเข้าใจได้ เอาล่ะมีความสุขในการอ่าน.

หัวข้อ : Lv3 U12 It's coming a public announcement.| V-은 후에, V-기 바라다, V-자마자 grammar
ลิงค์ : Lv3 U12 It's coming a public announcement.| V-은 후에, V-기 바라다, V-자마자 grammar


Lv3 U12 It's coming a public announcement.| V-은 후에, V-기 바라다, V-자마자 grammar


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12과. 안내 방송이 나오는데요.

"지금 열차가 도착하고 있습니다. 승객 여러분께서는 안전선 뒤로 한 걸음 물러서 주시기 바랍니다. 열차가 완전히 정차한 후에 승차하시기 바랍니다. "

가... 너무 말이 빨라서 무슨 소리 인지 잘 모르겠어요. 안전선이 뭐지요?
나... 이 노란 선이 바로 안전선이에요. 열차이 가까이 가면 위험하니까 그어 놓은 선이에요.
가... 아, 그렇군요. 빨리 탑시다.
나... 어, 저기 빈자라가 있네요. 오늘은 운이 좋군요.
"다음 역은 사당, 사당역입니다. 내리실 문은 오른쪽입니다. 계속해서 서울역, 상계 방면으로 가실 분은 4호선으로 갈아 타시기 바랍니다."
나... 이번엔 잘 알아들었지요?
가... 네, 그런데 저는 을지로입구에서 내려야 돼요.
나... 그러면 시청을 지나가자마자 내릴 준비를 하세요.


* 안내 방송: public announcement
* 열차: train
* 승객: a passenger
* 안전선: safety line
* 걸음: step (walking), pace
* 물러서다: to stay back, to step back
* -기 바라다: to wish that, to hope that
* 완전히: completely
* 정차하다: to stop a car
* -(으)ㄴ 후에: after doing
* 승차하다: to get on, to get aboard
* 가까이: near, close to
* 긋다: to draw, to mark (a line)
* 운: luck, (good) fortune
* 계속해서: continuously, without interruption
* 상계: the name of dong - SangKye
* 방면: direction, side, way
* 알아듣다: to understand
* - 자마자: ~ as soon as
* 계속하다: to continue
* 울리다 (종이): to ring (bell)
* 종: bell
* 경영대학: school of business administration
* 반포대교: Banpo Bridge
* 삼성역: SamSung station
* 탑승구: boarding gate
* 알리다: to give notice, to inform, to make known

Grammars and expression:

Bonus:  V~는데요 can be used with verbs to indicate that the speaker expects a response from the listener.  These ending are “softer” than more declarative endings like ~어/아/여요 or and ~ㅂ/습니다. It can also be used to explain a situation before providing instruction or making a proposition. Lastly, it can be used to make a polite rejection.

밖에 비가 오는데요…
It’s raining outside…

손가방을 잃어버려서 왔는데요.
I lost my purse so I came here.

어제 밤에 전화했는데요.
I called you last night.
1. N이/가 나오다 : go out, step out, come out

*밖으로 나오다
*노래, 음악 소리…..이/가 나오다

라디오에서 내가 좋아하는 음악이 나왔다.
My favorite music came out from the radio.

잘 들으세요. 방송이 나오기 시작하니까요.
Listen well, because the broadcast is starting (to come out).

슬퍼서 눈물이 나와요.
I am sad, so my tear is running.

감기에 걸려서 목소리가 잘 안 나옵니다.
I can't speak (My voice can't come out) since I got a cold.

2. V-(으)ㄴ 후(에) : after doing _________

한국에 온 후에 한 번도 영화 구경을 못 했어요.
After I came to Korea, I haven't gone to watch movie once.

철수는 수업이 끝난 후에 친구를 만나러 대학로에 갔어요.
After class is over, Chulsoo went to meet friends at the university street.

나는 저녁을 먹은 후 신문이나 텔레비전을 봅니다.
After I ate dinner, I watch TV or read newpapers.

* N후에: after N ______

이틀 후에 다시 오세요
Please come back in two days later.

졸업 후에 외국에 가려고 해요.
I plan to go to abroad after graduation.

*V-기 전에: before N _____

한국에 오기 전에 무엇을 했어요?
What did you do before coming to Korea.

그 일을 시작하기 전에 준비를 많이 해야 해요.
I have to prepare a lot before starting that work.

3. V-기(를) 바라다 : to wish that, to hope that

그 일이 잘 되기를 바랍니다.
I hope that goes well.

잠시 기다려 주시기 바랍니다.
Please wait a moment.

병이 빨리 나으시기 바랍니다.
I hope you get well (from disease) soon.

4. 운이 좋다/나쁘다 : Have good luck/ bad luck

운이 좋으면 택시를 금방 잡을 수 있을 거야.
If lucky, we can catch a taxi in moment.

오늘은 운이 나쁜가 봐요. 지갑을 잃어버렸어요.
I am in bad luck today. I lost my wallet.

5. 계속(해서) : continuously

쉬지 않고 계속해서 일을 하니까 너무 힘들어요.
Since I work continuously without break, I am very tired.

요즘도 계속해서 사물놀이를 배우고 있어요.
Samulnori (traditional street performance) is learned continuously even nowadays.

계속 비가 왔기 때문에 운동을 못 했어요.
Because it rained continuously, we couldn't play sports.

*N을/를 계속하다

방학 동안에도 아르바이트를 계속하기로 했어요.
Even during vacation, I've decided to continue part-time job.

저는 한국어 공부를 계속하려고 합니다.
I am going to continue studying Korean.

6. V-자마자 : as soon as

세 시계를 사자마자 잃어버려서 기분이 나빠요.
I am in a bad mood since I lost as soon as buy 3 watches.

집에 가자마자 목욕부터 하겠어요.
I will take a bath first as soon as I go home.

밥을 먹자마자 이를 닦는 게 좋대요.
It's good to brush teeth as soon as (after) eating.

엄마가 방에서 나가자마자 아이가 울었어요.
The baby cried as soon as her mother went out the room.

너무 피곤해서 눕자마자 잠이 들었어요.
Since I am tired, I slept as soon as I lie down.


Lesson 12. It is coming a public announcement

" Now, the train is going to arrived soon. For your safety, please step back the safety line one step, and wait until the train stopped."
가...The announcement was so fast, so I don't know what are they talking about. What is safety line?
나...ah... the yellow line is the safety line. It is dangerous if you are close to the train, so that they make that line to notice you about the safety zone.
가...Oh, I see. Let's get in the train.
나...There is an empty seat over there. We're so lucky today.
" The next station is Sadang. The getting off door is on the right. The following is Seoul station. You can transfer to Line 4 to go Sangkye direction."
나....This time, you can understand it right?
가...Yes, but I need to get off at Euljiro gate.
나...Then, get ready as soon as you passed by the Government complex station.

12과. 안내 방송이 나오는데요.

"지금 열차가 도착하고 있습니다. 승객 여러분께서는 안전선 뒤로 한 걸음 물러서 주시기 바랍니다. 열차가 완전히 정차한 후에 승차하시기 바랍니다. "
가... 너무 말이 빨라서 무슨 소리 인지 잘 모르겠어요. 안전선이 뭐지요?
나... 이 노란 선이 바로 안전선이에요. 열차이 가까이 가면 위험하니까 그어 놓은 선이에요.
가... 아, 그렇군요. 빨리 탑시다.
나... 어, 저기 빈자라가 있네요. 오늘은 운이 좋군요.
"다음 역은 사당, 사당역입니다. 내리실 문은 오른쪽입니다. 계속해서 서울역, 상계 방면으로 가실 분은 4호선으로 갈아 타시기 바랍니다."
나... 이번엔 잘 알아들었지요?
가... 네, 그런데 저는 을지로입구에서 내려야 돼요.
나... 그러면 시청을 지나가자마자 내릴 준비를 하세요.

นั่นคือบทความ Lv3 U12 It's coming a public announcement.| V-은 후에, V-기 바라다, V-자마자 grammar

นั่นคือบทความทั้งหมด Lv3 U12 It's coming a public announcement.| V-은 후에, V-기 바라다, V-자마자 grammar ครั้งนี้หวังว่าจะเป็นประโยชน์กับทุกท่าน เจอกันใหม่บทความหน้า.

คุณกำลังอ่านบทความ Lv3 U12 It's coming a public announcement.| V-은 후에, V-기 바라다, V-자마자 grammar พร้อมที่อยู่ลิงค์ https://yonseikorean.blogspot.com/2016/03/lv3-u12-it-coming-public-announcement-v.html
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